Could have commented more at Xiaxue's blog but I think I have touched quite a bit and it was very late in the wee hours and I hope it brings a fresh perspective to you Pro-PAP and Pro-Oppo people. Let's get back to basics alright. (At last check, got 30+ people liking it! So I hope that I made some sense)
"Hello! I came upon your blog by people sharing on fb. I would like to say you have made some good points weighing out the credentials of the parties and being realistic in your political views in your last 2 posts. Very straightforward and shows enough of who you are rooting for.
However, do not write off all the Singaporeans whom some of you here claim as whiny, complaining and not doing anything about their situation and that they expect the government to do something for them. Pretty much those of you who are saying this about Singaporeans are either 1) living a comfortable life by fate 2) Pro-PAP 3) if not you are mature enough to man-up the hardship, figure out the goals in your life and working towards it (i have respect for the 3rd category of people but some of you would thus probably despise others who aren't following in your footsteps "since you can do it, why can't they?")
I know people who are complaining and wants a change and don't worry, they still respect MM LKY for his past contributions but they are more concerned about the future. What they want is for the governement to listen and start putting themselves in their shoes to start having policies that will help the people. Afterall, a Democratic society and progress for the nation is only possible when the Government and the people are aligned. The things that are being complained are not within our (the people) control.
- GST (could go up to 10%) and many of you who "are not complaining" would probably think "meehh.. 3% only.. small sum.." but how about calculating in the long run and sparing a thought for lower income individuals? if our economy has been doing well and our Temasek/GIC investment funds are pretty much back to pre-crisis level, would the reserves not be sufficient enough to cut us some slack and reduce the GST to maybe 5%?
- Foreign Talent. who are the ones who control the access to citizenship, etc? The People or the Government? Would it not be better if the government had walked the ground and see what the situation is like (people's willingness to do odd jobs, etc) before allowing the sudden influx of foreigners which has led to other problems like housing shortages, "loss of jobs" and crowded transportation. -point to ponder, transportation has been filled to the brim with record number of passengers and so SMRT/SBS how to lose money or operate at a loss? why would they still want to increase fares?-
- Housing. HDB was initially created to ensure all of us can own a flat at affordable prices and land is afterall state owned which is again controlled by the government. Wouldn't prices be within their control especially if the above influx of foreigners have been controlled? I think there are a number of us who would not be able to own a HDB anytime soon and I know some of you are probably laughing behind your monitor screens saying "AH HA! LOSER!"
Now, you say Singaporeans need to help themselves but how? Local unis are not enough for everyone and private unis are not recognized enough. I know people who are good at everything except studying but because of the system, they are denied better jobs over better qualified and possibly cheaper alternatives from overseas. Then taking up courses for some is not viable as there are those who have jobs that does not allow them to upgrade themselves as it is not flexible enough for them to do so neither can they take a break to upgrade themselves as they need the job/income for their family. How?
If you guys reading this are those who are doing well and are for Singaporeans to start picking themselves up and improving, please step forward and help them. Change their mentality too. Afterall, we are all Singaporeans aren't we? Shouldn't we be helping our fellow brothers and sisters to get out of the pit of self-pity rather than criticizing them? Help them see the light or create opportunities for them if you cannot, don't criticize and start a war. No point fighting over it.
All I want is for people to understand that people complain for a reason. Opposition stirred the people and connected with the issues close to their hearts and now you see the government can feel the pressure which can be seen from PM Lee who has now apologized and wants to hear more about what people have to say. If the people did not come together to complain and show Opposition support, what do you think the outcome would be like in the next 5 years? Go figure.
FYI: At this point, I have not decided who to vote but I feel that policies can be improved and things can be done and PAP definitely has a good record but Opposition gives good outreach for the people.
Another thing is that I fall under "the process of category 3" the I know I need to improve myself to get out of "poverty" but it is very expensive for a private degree and I need to support my parents too. Thus it is very tough but I know one day I'll be okay. Thus I am looking at the party who is listening and able to help me reach that "day". "
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